Monday, January 31, 2011


Okay, so now I'm broke!!! HAHAHA! It's Tueaday and allowance was given last Sunady and I'm already broke. :D Uhm, I wouldn't even run down the things I bought which I know are necessary (because father would most likely disagree) that drained my wallet. HHEHE! :D And since I already stated that my entry would be about COPA AZUL, we have to be consistent and able to tie things up without discussing unnecessary ones.

BROKE-ME-joining Copa Azul- Reg fee - contribution of 120. D: However am I gonna come up with that amount today!? I think I only have 27 pesos in my wallet and I'd like to believe so because if it's any less? I might as well go home and sleep and think of another excuse or alibi or reason(this is more logical statement so I'd go for this). So yes, reasonSSS to ask for extra money to last me till the weekend. HAH! I've already devised opening statements to tell Papa but.. uh-oh! I feel guilty and it might not work. HEHE!

Anywaayyyy, so I've been wanting to play soccer since Atfest ended and then there was this Rexona Cup which I wasn't able to join because I have to be home for the Christmas Break, a part of me was happy because I didn't have to brave and kick and run and breathe and most of all scratch my entire body because of the scorching sun anddd.... I didn't have to deal with statements like "Ohhhh.. you got tanned!" and "ni-itom kagi ka?!" anddd "hoi! negra!" anddd "I didn't have to ask myself "KIrara?" but still! I love playing soccer, so I've realized it when I ended my teen years. So what? Nothing's too late for something you're passionate about right? RIGHT kayers!!! No shoe of hands for those disagreeing? NO! Okay. Let my blabber proceed. HAH!

I can't say much about COPA AZUL except from what little knowledge I have, It's a soccer league sponsored by the Ateneo Futbol Varsity and now on its second or third year, it has opened its gates for the women! Don't we just love that?! YES WE DO and so the SLA team of Atfest are joining. Sadly, some sisters won't be able to join coz they have loads to do for school. same here (thesis, docu for philo, comm plan for PR, 5 case studies for ethics, we still dunno what for MEDIA MANAGEMENT) BUT since we're suckers for soccer, we are pushing through with this and we'rte kicking balls again!!! Okayyy, I know that your eardrums are bleeding now for my excessive use of exclamatory and capital letters, but man!! I just can't hide my excitement! Gotta clean those spikes soon! :D and imma post photos of us during Atfest to give you a glimpse. And now that's the ring for my RS Class, the most boring and non-sense class today with mr. Flores who laughs at his own jokes and thinks he's a good public speaker! What the?!?!?! I hope this fulfills my happy antry promise. More to come soon! :D


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