Tuesday, August 10, 2010

sudden rush of P.I. ness!

Here I go again. I don't wanna write about you Myke. I didn't want to write about you anymore for the longest time that I have been blogging. But yesterday when out of the blue Hazey ( myfriend, I think you met her when you were still here. yes, that pretty and nice girl :D) told me that she checked out my blog and really liked the entry that was meant for you but I knew you will never get to read, I.. I dunno. I went out of my senses again. AGAIN by you, by anything that resonates about you and me. And it makes me sick Myke, It makes me feel like I never really got to where I was suppose to be when you left, when you CHOSE to leave because you think it's for the best. Because you BELIEVED it was what WE needed but you never really asked me what I needed. It makes me sick, makes me wanna puke at myself. I checked the entry and oh MAN! OH MAN it absofuckinglutely dragged me to those days again. Those days when I didn't know where to start, how and why should I start fixing myself and get a move on, not necessarily get over you because then, many years ago it seemed impossible, it was like building castles in the sky. The thought of getting over you was like removing a part of me, in a literal sense it's like getting me amputated. I didn't want to get over you Myke, I never wanted to. And , and I don't wanna finish this entry anymore. Coz every word only takes me two steps back to where we were before, to the memories and I HATE IT! I HATE IT coz it's unfair and I don't wanna be the one to take all the bitchiness of the world anymore. Between the two of us I felt like I was the one the world have been throwing its punches to when it realized how much MESS we made out of breaking each other, not jut each other's hearts. Because honestly Myke, it wasn't just my heart that you broke. It was the Kaye that I've made myself to be, to last with Myke for as long as we live. And I wanna end this entry by telling you that.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I really don't know what to write about now. Meaning, I don't know where to start and what to start with. I don't wanna rant but I feel like I'm going there now. At the rate of my confusion on what and how to feel right now, I know I will be ranting the following sentences.

I have four articles to write for our SLA publication proposal. In our PR class of 14 students and one beautifully crazy teacher (Sir Kiko Miranda), we have this 3 cycle challenge to come up and present PR Strategies for the campaign to boost the School of Liberal Arts to which MassCom Department belongs. ANYWAY, first challenge was to come up with a brochure with the goal of boosting the morale of the SLA students. We lost. That was okay since we didn't really hit the target and the group who won, really really deserve it. Second challenge was the poster. We lost again. Okay, BUT not really. The point system of the previous 2 challenges were kind of inconsistent. I'm sure most if not all in our class would agree. This is a non-issue really coz oh well, they deserve the win of second and first. Since the winner of the 3 cycle challenge will have 100 as in 100 as their final grade for the Midterm Exam. MY GOSH! :D That's practically 2/3 of your Midterm grade and 1/3 of the final grade. And since we lost the first two challenges, we have to super duper uber double the effort to come up with an extremely WINNER SLA Newspaper. There are only 4 of us in the group and seriously only 3 are working as a team and for the team. GAHD. Going back to the articles I have to write which not even one of them do I have my head on where to start. I really dunno! D:

1. Buwan ng Wika (Absolutely LOST! NO idea at all! ALL I know about it now is what everyone who studied in the country knows about it. AND that the winner for the Choral Speech last year is the class where a friend belongs.)

2. Something about INTS (International Studies, I've already set an interview with Ma'am Ruth tomorrow which I hint will turn to be a chikathon, hahaha! )

3. SLA Acquaintance Party (I super enjoooyeeedd!!!!! :DD *still grins* )

4. OJT experience. (Lemme get this clear, I LOOOVE my OJT experience. I adore my employer companies; Manila Times, ABS-CBN >> TV Patrol and DZMM Manila. But Man ohh Man, I've already outgrown writing OJT journals. I mean after 2 summers, 3 media outfit, 3 different call times, 3 different bosses, I've really totally moved on from my OJT journals. GOSH! And here I am again. Will try to gather all my objectiveness of all that happened. hayyy..

THESIS: A Content Analysis on the Occult Symbols
found in the selected Music Videos
of Lady Gaga

Wheeewww!! :D
I don't wanna rant about it now. MIGHT. NOT. END. >> the ranting.

hmmmphhh.. There! I think and feel that I've released a good amount of negaNESS.
Thank you blogger that you exist!

and by the way, the publication will have to be presented by
MONDAY next week! that is 4 days from now. Lord, help us. PLEASE. :D