Thursday, July 29, 2010

just in :D

I know this isn't a very nice follow-up of a blog entry. But I just have to let this out somewhere. I posted this a while back in FB but the moment it reached the news feed of a friend, he PMed saying it wouldn't make things better. I wieghed in less then 3 minutes and then conceded. He's right. thnak you Heid. and then I realized that my main contention in writing the post was just to let the feeling and what I thought about it OUT. It didn't necessarily have to be Facebook where almost everyone is kept tab on almost everyone in their friends list too. So I figured since I have a blog and I'm the only one who's conscious of its existence then I got an outlet right here. :D
Note: the following entry is my reaction to what happened and not in anyway a repitition of story-telling of what happened. In the future to make things clearer, I will spill it out here. Yes, including the details. :D

Thank you.

And also, what I wrote can't be copied and paste. I decided to take a picture of it as what I saved in my documents.

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